No, Anarcho-Capitalists still aren't Anarchists: Part I

“As my first video, I am rough around the edges. I add elaborations and updates to all my transcriptions which can be found through my Discord server (link below). Tl;dw Anarcho-Capitalists are so insecure about them not being called Anarchists that they feel compelled to deliberately obscure, lie about, and misuse the works of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Benjamin Tucker, and other Anarchists to fit their idea of what Anarchism is supposed to be. Ever since the advent of Anarcho-Capitalism, it has faced scrutiny from Anarchists since it rejects the historical roots and principles of Anarchism: Anti-State, Anti-Capitalism, etc. Although I don’t really feel too strongly about Anarcho-Capitalists calling themselves “right-wing Anarchists,” I do have a problem with them misleading the public on some very profound thinkers that have influenced the actual Anarchist movement.”



0:00 Intro

8:14 "People don't use my faulty definition of 'Socialism', curious"

11:34 "Proudhon uses 'Anarchism' to describe his ideas"

12:33 "Proudhon & Ancaps agree on anarchy!"

14:02 "Anarchists only care because 'Property is Theft'"

17:00 SoN not understanding WiP?

24:50 Communism & Misuse of Confessions of a Revolutionary

31:27 "But Benjamin Tucker said he hated Communism!"

34:04 "But they wouldn't have banned interest!"

44:50 "Proudhon was a reformist!"

47:00 "But Socialism meant something different back then!"

51:37 Libertarianism & Dejacque

53:22 Ye Olde Anarchism & Bellagegarrigue

56:51 Old Anarchist actually a Minarchist?

57:57 "But Chaudey was the TRUE caliph of Anarchism!"

59:24 Bakunin, Proudhon, Collectivism & Mutualism

1:02:21 Comedic Misuse of "The Bank of the People"

1:07:22 Outro

An Anarchist FAQ:

A Mutualist FAQ:


A Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Anthology:

OG Video:

Watch Part two:

Follow hades


Interview with Kevin Carson on his life and intellectual background


An Introduction to Law Through Anarchy