Contending Calumnious Communist Conjecture (re:Re-Education) - Tak Kak

Mutualist Anarchist Hades (@hades_hollow) gives a thorough and convincing response to common objections levied at mutualists and explores a wide variety of topics including Proudhon on Property, value theory, revolution, cooperative defense, and more. This video is a direct response to Anarchist Communist and YouTuber, RE-EDUCATION, on their second video critiquing mutualism (

Chapters: 0:00 Are Mutualists Boogs? 3:31 Proudhon's Revolution 18:48 Proudhon on Property 23:32 Kropotkin vs Not Collectivism 27:41 On Value 30:31 All Markets Bankrupt 33:24 Subjective Value 38:01 According to Deed 44:51 The Anarcho-Government 52:45 End


Elinor Ostrom on the Myth of the Tragedy of the Commons


On Mutualism - Jock Coats